Jane's Life

Jane Austen's first visit to Bath was a transformative experience that left an indelible imprint on her literary career.
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When a private collector from the US bought a book of historical autographs in 2017, they probably did not expect to uncover a lost extract from one of Jane Austen's letters. The collector bid ...
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Donna Fletcher Crow discusses whether or not Austen would have been vaccinated
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Did Jane Austen Find Love in Lyme?
Miss Austen cuts a tantalizing figure. She is kept from us at arms-length by the span of about two centuries as well as by the protective arms of her beloved sister and closest friend Cassandra who...
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Harris Bigg-Wither’s Marriage Proposal – An Ongoing Mystery?
In the late autumn of 1802, Jane and Cassandra Austen, then living in Bath, went to stay with their good friends, Catherine and Alethea Bigg at Manydown Park, not far from Steventon. The two return...
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Cassandra Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Queen Victoria and a Destruction of Letters
Margaret Mills shares her thoughts on Jane Austen's sister Cassandra's destruction of their correspondence.
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The effects of the family’s misfortunes on Jane Austen's death
By Caroline Kerr Taylor 2017 marks the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death. She is one of the world’s most popular literary giants. It was a tragic loss that she died at 41, just as her star ...
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Martha Lloyd: Jane Austen's "Second" Sister
Jane Austen's dearest friend, Martha Lloyd.
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Jane Austen's China and the Steventon Archaeological Dig
The true evens that inspired Jane Odiwe's 'Project Darcy'
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Jane's Niece: Catherine Anne Hubback (1818 -1877)
Jonathan Rowe looks at Catherine Anne Hubback for the Brislington Conservation & Historical Society
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