Jane Austen's Work

International Women's Day 2024: Jane Austen's undying influence
This International Women's Day, we're celebrating authors who were inspired by the work of Jane Austen.
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Letters and Identity: Burney’s Evelina and Austen’s Lady Susan
MA student Aisik Maiti discusses the use of epistolary in Lady Susan and Burney's Evelina
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Ms. Jane Austen; Royal Favourite and Queen of Sass
Sass a Prince? We would never, but Jane Austen might.
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What is Free Indirect Discourse?
Why did Jane Austen choose Free Indirect Discourse? Find out in this blog.
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Jane Austen: Why do Millennials Love her so Much?
Why does Austen have such enduring popularity with young people?
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Don't Insult Your Children, Give Them Jane Austen
by Allison Burr My kids saw that scoundrel Willoughby at Chic-Fil-A last night. Or so they thought. We had just finished our chicken sandwiches and waffle fries and were headed off to Andrew Pe...
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Jane Austen: Family Therapist?
Patrice Sarath discusses the ins and outs of Austen's great family dynamics
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Who Wrote Robert Martin's Proposal?
We all know that Emma wrote Harriet's response to Robert Martin's proposal but who wrote his letter? By Michaela Spangenburg
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