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Article: Lemon Water: A Refreshing Drink

Lemon Water: A Refreshing Drink -

Lemon Water: A Refreshing Drink

Lemon water may be the staple complimentary drink of American restaurants, but the drink actually has British origins.  A recipe for Lemon Flavored Water (A Refreshing Drink) appears in Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell's New System of Domestic Cookery, surprisingly, perhaps, under the heading "Cookery for the Sick". There are, however, many benefits to drinking water with lemon, especially when made, as Mrs. Rundell suggest, with warm or hot water. For a comprehensive analysis of the benefits of drinking lemon water you will definitely enjoy this article from our friends at Positive Health Wellness

Lemon Water

One blogger even went so far as to suggest 10 Medical Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water, including clear skin, fresh breath, system cleansing properties, weight loss and even enhanced hydration, among others.  During the summer months, it can be difficult to drink as much as is recommended (at least 8 8-oz glasses a day). With so much to recommend it, I'm surely inspired to try one of these Regency recipes to perk up my routine. As a side note, the optional capillaire referred to in the recipe, was "a syrup or infusion of maidenhair fern". This was tedious to make and eventually capillaire became "a syrup flavoured with orange-flower water". Lemon water flavored with orange-flower water sounds delightful!

Lemon Water, A Delightful Drink Put two slices of lemon thinly pared into a teapotm a little bit of the peel, and a bit of sugar, or a large spoonful of capillaire; pour in a pint of boiling water, and stop it close for two hours.
Mrs. Rundell offers an additional recipe for Apple Water immediately following the Lemon Water.
Apple Water Cute two large apples in slices, and pour a quart of boiling water on them; or on roasted apples; strain in two or three hours and sweeten lightly.
For a comprehensive analysis of the benefits of drinking lemon water you will definitely enjoy this article from our friends at Positive Health Wellness

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