2024 Jane Austen Festival Balls

Dancers Harvest Ball
Friday 13th September - 19:00
Enjoy a mixed evening of Regency dancing with your fellow experienced dancers, with calling from Liz Bartlett of the Jane Austen Dancers, Sally Petchey of the Hampshire Regency Dancers, and Libby Curzon from Mrs Bennets’ Ballroom, to live music provided by Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer.
This dance event is for those with Regency or English country dance experience and a good grasp on dance terminology. The callers will walk & talk everyone through the dances before the music is played, but there will be no dance workshop beforehand… you’ll need to know your reels from your rigadons!
Regency costume mandatory
Venue: Tea Room, Assembly Rooms, Bennett Street, BA1 2QH

Netherfield Assembly Ball
Saturday 14th September - 19:00
Join us in the spectacular surroundings of the Bath Assembly Rooms for a ""private public ball"" reminiscent of dancing at Netherfield Park. Imagine you are joining the Bennet and Bingley sisters for a splendid evening of dancing, card playing and socialising. We invite you to wear your tallest, fanciest feathers as the outfit theme for the evening.
Regency dancing will be called by Liz Bartlett of the Jane Austen Dancers, with live music from Beau's Band. Card games will be offered in the Great Octagon, and the Tea Room will be set out for you to gossip with Lady Lucas during the Supper break.
For the first time, we will be offering Dancing & Cards tickets for people wanting to join us after the supper break. Join us from 21:15 part way through the supper break, cards and games are available at all times, dancing recommences at 21:45 with the ball ending at 23:00.
Regency costume mandatory
Venue: Assembly Rooms, Bennett Street, BA1 2QH

Northanger Abbey Gothic Ball
Saturday 21st September - 19:00
A ticket to this Ball will cover the stunning two-hour soirée by the Roman Baths followed by the Ball upstairs in the Pump Room.
Model your Regency gothic finery by the torchlit waters as twilight falls over Bath, while you enjoy musical interludes and a welcome drink. After this, dance the night away in the Regency Pump Rooms with expert dance calling provided by Liz Bartlett of the Jane Austen Dancers.
There will be a mid-evening break for a two-course dinner, seated in the Pump Rooms Reception Hall and along the Terrace overlooking the Roman Baths.
Regency costume is mandatory for this event. We look forward to seeing all your finest gothic white muslins, black velvet ribbons, or however else you wish to adjust your Regency ball finery to the Northanger Abbey gothic theme. No steam punk, please. Leave your goggles at home!
Venue: Roman Baths & Pump Room, entrance via Pump Rooms, Stall St, BA1 1LZ
*To book tickets click on the underlined date of the talk to find that specific day's events.