Regency Arts and Entertainments

Jane and Fringe Theatre and Puppets
Puppets? In Northanger Abbey? It's more likely than you think.
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Harpist to Publish Jane's Sheet Music
Excellent news for harpists and Austen fans - who would have thought?
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The Lizzie Bennet Diaries - Showing Us The Way Forward
Bernie Su, the man behind the interactive digital adaptations of Emma and Pride and Prejudice (check out Emma Approved and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries to see what we mean) has been speaking recen...
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An Emma Adaptation from ITV Production company Tomorrow Studios has teamed up with ITV Studios to produce a new mixed-language, Indian-set adaptation of Emma called Polite Society, which sees ...
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The Cast of Sanditon is Announced
Following on from the news of a new adaptation of Emma for ITV, is more ITV adaptation news. Details of casting for the upcoming series of Sanditon (which is currently filming at the wonderfully...
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