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Regency DIY

The Regency Spa: Create Your Own Bath Salts -
bath salts

The Regency Spa: Create Your Own Bath Salts

Make your own Bath Salts from Epsom Salts

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The Regency Pastime of Paper Crafting and Quilling -

The Regency Pastime of Paper Crafting and Quilling

Instructions for two paper projects

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The Legend of the Mistletoe -
Celtic Druids

The Legend of the Mistletoe

From Parasitic Plant to Pucker Procurer

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Regency Hobbies for staying home -

Regency Hobbies for staying home

With many of us hunkering down for the Winter season and new Covid restrictions coming in left, right and centre, it might be time for us to re-embrace the at-home lifestyle once more. There is ple...

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Making Home with Jane Austen -

Making Home with Jane Austen

We have all spent more time at home over the past two years, but what did Jane Austen think about finding a home?

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Botanical Embroidery - The Next Big Sewing Trend? -

Botanical Embroidery - The Next Big Sewing Trend?

We know that, like Jane Austen herself, a lot of our readers enjoy sewing. As such, when we came across the work of artist Olga Prinku this week and discovered botanical embroidery, we knew that we...

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Sealing Your Letters Like a Georgian -

Sealing Your Letters Like a Georgian

Use a wax seal to add Georgian flair to your letters, notes and invitations.

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Create a Household Book -

Create a Household Book

Follow Martha Lloyd's example and begin keeping your own household book-- not only useful for your own reference and projects, but as a legacy for future generations.

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Make Jane Austen Christmas Decorations with Terri Heinz -

Make Jane Austen Christmas Decorations with Terri Heinz

I recently discovered Terri Heinz's lovely blog, Artful Affirmations. Here she presents and discusses her lovely collection of china and teacups, all gorgeously photographed. Terri is a talented ar...

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How To Make A Velum Window Envelope -

How To Make A Velum Window Envelope

Pamela Foster shares her tips for creating an Envelope masterpiece

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Create a Jane Austen Honeycomb Ornament -
Amanda Lee

Create a Jane Austen Honeycomb Ornament

Amanda Lee shares her secrets for making this fabulous Ornament.

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Rendering Lard, the Regency Crisco -
#period cooking

Rendering Lard, the Regency Crisco

Use your crockpot to cut back on effort and create a healthy and tasty alternative to solid shortening.

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