Saturday 14th September 2024

Regency Hair Salon
Appointments from 8:30 - 17:30 (duration 30 minutes each)
Venue: Bath Elim Church, Charlotte St, BA1 2ND
You have the outfit; you have the accessories… now all you need are the ringlets! ForeHairs’ top two professional stylists will create a whole new look for your Jane Austen experience. Choose from a selection of styles.
The ticket price is for ½ hour appointments and includes a colour matching hair piece and decorative accessories. Stylised wigs will also be available to hire or purchase.
Tickets £60 from enquiries@baththeatrical.com
Email to book
A Very Private Public Breakfast
9:00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Kinwarton, 3 Upper Camden Place, (part of) Camden Road, BA1 5HX (20 mins walk from central Bath)
Sample the delights of an 18th Century public breakfast just as Jane Austen did in Sydney Gardens. Bread rolls, toasted fruit bread, cake, tea (Jane Austen blend) or coffee – all in the private dining room of a typical Regency Bath house. Breakfast is accompanied with a talk by Jane Tapley.
Tickets £16
Grand Regency Costumed Promenade
11.00 (duration 1 hour)
Meet: in front of the Holburne Museum, Great Pulteney Street BA2 4BD
Arrive from 9:30, Promenade begines at 11:00 sharp.
To take part buy your wristband, put on your costume and join 500+ people dressed in Regency style, for this world famous, spectacular official opening to the Festival. Stroll through this beautiful city for approximately 1 hour ending at the Festival Fayre. Saturday Promenaders Fayre entrance included with each wristband.
Regency costume mandatory for this event.
Tickets £14 - no longer available online
Purchase from Festival Stewards on Saturday 14th from 9.30 at the Holburne Museum.
Promenaders Festival Fayre
12noon - 16:00 (duration 4 hours)
Venue: Assembly Rooms, Bennett Street, BA1 2QH
Go on a Regency shopping spree through the Bath Assembly Rooms with stalls offering hats, fans, gloves, books, hair pieces, jewellery and lots more. The Fayre will open to Promenade wristband holders first, with doors opening to the general public* from 12 noon. *subject to venue capacity.
Bringing cash for purchases is advised as some sellers only accept cash payment, and the nearest cash point is a 10 minute walk back into town.
Tickets £5 each on the door (free to Promenade wristband holders)

Austen's Lost & Found - theatrical walking tour
13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00 (duration 1 hour each)
Meet: at the top of Gravel Walk, opposite No1 Royal Crescent, BA1 2LW
Another lost Jane Austen novel has been unearthed in Bath, revealing more recognisable plotlines, familiar characters and just a little bit of nonsense. Immerse yourself in wooing, weeping and wagers as we wander around Bath, and watch this joyful story come to life around you!
Tickets £19
Sold out
Pre-Ball Dance Workshop #2
14:30 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Tea Room, Assembly Rooms, Bennett Street, BA1 2QH
This Regency dance workshop is a practice session for those attending the Netherfield Ball in the evening, led by Liz Bartlett of the Jane Austen Dancers.
If you are new to Regency dancing, this workshop is for you, as it will cover the basic steps & patterns, and give you the chance to learn some of the dances ready for the Assembly in the evening.
This workshop is a duplication of the Pre-Ball Dance Workshop #1 taking place on Friday 13th at 15:30, workshop content will be the same.
Fully booked

Dress & Diversion in Jane Austen’s Bath - with Penelope Byrde Ruddock
15:00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: BRLSI, 16-18 Queen Square, BA1 2HN
Was Jane Austen a fashionista? In this illustrated talk, fashion historian Penelope Byrde Ruddock looks at the diversions that made the city of Bath so delightful as a spa resort and at the clothes that were worn for the social round – some of which were particular Bath fashions. It will give a context to the city in Austen’s time, as both a visitor and resident, and a way of life reflected in her letters and her two ‘Bath’ novels: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.
Penelope is the former Curator of the Museum of Costume (now the Fashion Museum) in Bath and was a visiting lecturer at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London. She is a Life Member of the Jane Austen Society and author of Jane Austen Fashion (Moonrise Press).
Tickets £4 - £12 from brlsi.org
Sold out
Rummaging through the Reticule
16:00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Kinwarton, 3 Upper Camden Place, (part of) Camden Road, BA1 5HX (20 mins walk from central Bath)
What did Jane and her characters keep in their reticules? All will be revealed when the contents of this C18th handbag are spilt in the privacy of a Regency drawing room. Jane Tapley's talk is followed by refreshments, a traditional cream tea - scones, jam and cream and, of course, tea.
Tickets £16
Sold out
Netherfield Assembly Ball
19:00 (duration 4 hours)
Venue: Assembly Rooms, Bennett Street, BA1 2QH
Join us in the spectacular surroundings of the Bath Assembly Rooms for a "private public ball" reminiscent of dancing at Netherfield Park. Imagine you are joining the Bennet and Bingley sisters for a splendid evening of dancing, card playing and socialising.
We invite you to wear your tallest, fanciest feathers as the outfit theme for the evening.
Regency dancing will be called by Liz Bartlett of the Jane Austen Dancers, with live music from Beau's Band. Card games will be offered in the Great Octagon, and the Tea Room will be set out for you to gossip with Lady Lucas during the Supper break.
This is a bring-your-own-food-event as no dining options will be available at the Assembly Rooms this year. A bar will be open for drinks throughout the evening.
For the first time, we will be offering Dancing & Cards tickets for people wanting to join us after the supper break. Join us from 21:15 part way through the supper break, cards and games are available at all times, dancing recommences at 21:45 with the ball ending at 23:00.
Ball Tickets £74 - Dancing & Cards Tickets £35
SOLD OUT*All ticket prices include transaction processing fee.