Sunday 22nd September 2024

Jane Austen's Bath - minibus tour
9:00 (duration 3 hours)
Meet: outside the Jane Austen Centre, 40 Gay Street, BA1 2NT
A combination of walking and driving visiting outdoor locations in Austen's Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. Includes Charlcombe, described by Jane 'as being sweetly situated in a little green valley', and finishes with the best view of Bath from that 'Noble Hill'.
For this event you will travel in a small luxury 21st Century minibus driven by your tour guide Adge Secker.
Tickets £48
Sold out
A Very Private Public Breakfast
10:00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Kinwarton, 3 Upper Camden Place, (part of) Camden Rd, BA1 5HX (20 mins walk from central Bath)
Sample the delights of an 18th Century public breakfast just as Jane Austen did in Sydney Gardens. Bread rolls, toasted fruit bread, cake, tea (Jane Austen blend) or coffee – all in the private dining room of a typical Regency Bath house. Breakfast is accompanied with a talk by Jane Tapley.
Tickets £16
Sold out
Croquet Game
10:00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Bath Croquet Club, Great Pulteney Street, Recreation Ground, BA2 4DS (entrance via Great Pulteney Street)
Spend 1 hour experiencing the Regency sport of "Pall-Mall" with an outdoor croquet game at Bath Croquet Club. Equipment and introductory instructions provided, enjoy a relaxed game of croquet, followed by post-match refreshments in the Croquet Pavilion.
Refreshments included in the ticket price.
Tickets £25 - no longer available online
Limited tickets remaining, buy on-the-door
Mini Promenade
12 noon (duration 1 hour)
Meet: on the grass below the ha-ha in front of the Royal Crescent, Victoria Park, Bath, BA1 2LX
Meet for an informal short stroll from the Royal Crescent down Gravel Walk, Milsom Street, Stall Street and ending in front of Bath Abbey. A last chance to show off your Regency finery along the pavements of Bath.
No booking or tickets necessary for this event, turn up and join in!
Free Event

"Carriages" to Meryton & Longbourn - minibus tour
13:15 (duration 4 hours)
Meet: outside the Jane Austen Centre, 40 Gay Street, BA1 2NT
Starting with a driving tour of Austen’s Bath, then onto the village of Luckington to visit the St Mary with St Ethelbert Church and walk in the footsteps of the P&P 1995 cast. Next Lacock – a village trapped in time and the location for Meryton & Highbury. Then back to Bath to finish with the best view of Bath from ‘that Noble Hill’.
For this event you will travel in a small luxury 21st Century minibus driven by your tour guide Adge Secker.
Tickets £58
Sold out
Croquet Game
13.30 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Bath Croquet Club, Great Pulteney Street, Recreation Ground, BA2 4DS (entrance via Great Pulteney Street)
Spend 1 hour experiencing the Regency sport of "Pall-Mall" with an outdoor croquet game at Bath Croquet Club. Equipment and introductory instructions provided, enjoy a relaxed game of croquet, followed by post-match refreshments in the Croquet Pavilion.
Refreshments included in the ticket price.
Tickets £25
Sold out
Rummaging through the Reticule
14.00 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Venue: Kinwarton, 3 Upper Camden Place, (part of) Camden Rd, BA1 5HX (20 mins walk)
What did Jane and her characters keep in their reticules? All will be revealed when the contents of this C18th handbag are spilt in the privacy of a Regency drawing room. Jane Tapley's talk is followed by refreshments, a traditional cream tea - scones, jam and cream and, of course, tea.
Tickets £16
Sold out
Jane Austen & Bath - walking tour
14:30 (duration 1hr 30mins)
Meet: outside the Jane Austen Centre, 40 Gay Street, BA1 2NT
'Oh! Who could ever be tired of Bath?’ So said Jane Austen’s character Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey, which along with her novel Persuasion is set in Bath. Through family links and having visited and lived in the city, Austen knew Bath very well indeed. Come and find out more on this walking tour led by Mr Knightley of The Jane Austen Centre.
Tickets £13
Sold out*All ticket prices include transaction processing fees