Was sind die Jane Austen News diese Woche?
Könnten Sie Jane in Austen the Musical spielen?
Spannende Neuigkeiten, wenn Sie Musiktheater lieben, eine Leidenschaft für die Aufführung haben und schon immer Jane Austen sein wollten.
![Die Jane Austen News besagen, dass es eine Jagd nach einer neuen Jane gibt!](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0308/7889/2172/t/15/assets/description_image_Screen_Shot_2017_08_29_at_10.49.45_300x241.jpg?v=1595766184)
Die Produzenten Daniel Taylor-Brown und Justin Eade haben angekündigt, dass sie eine Schauspielerin suchen, um Jane Austen auf der UK-Tour von zu spielen
Austen das Musical.
Austen das Musical untersucht Janes Kampf um die Veröffentlichung ihrer Arbeiten in einem von Männern dominierten Umfeld, ihre Romanzen und ihr Gelübde, den Lebensstil einer Frau im georgischen England abzulehnen. Nach längeren Läufen beim Edinburgh Festival Fringe und ausverkauften Auftritten beim Jane Austen Festival und beim York New Musical Festival ist das neue Musical von Rob Winlow ab Oktober 2017 auf seiner UK-Tour 2017/18 landesweit unterwegs - nur fehlt es derzeit Hauptdarstellerin! Also, interessiert daran, Jane Austen im Alter von 20-41 zu spielen? Wir dachten, einige von Ihnen in unserer Leserschaft für Jane Austen News könnten es sein. Um sich zu bewerben, bitten die Produzenten um einen Lebenslauf, einen Headshot, ein Anschreiben und Details Ihres Stimmumfangs, die an info@austenthemusical.com gesendet werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Liste hier auf
Treffen Sie die Jane Austen Superfans
Bei den Jane Austen News lesen wir gerne über andere Fans von Austen, deshalb haben wir es wirklich genossen, ein bisschen mehr über diese Jane Austen Superfans herauszufinden, wie in einem Artikel in der
Wächter in dieser Woche:
Roland Anderson, 44, Finanzdirektor, London: "Erst als ich 20 Jahre alt war, fing ich an, nach Austen zu kommen. Mein Freund Mark machte weiter
Stolz und VoreingenommenheitAlso las ich es noch einmal durch und arbeitete mich dann durch den Rest der Romane und alles, was ich in die Hände bekommen konnte: die Briefe, die unvollendeten Romane. Einmal habe ich einen Freund gelesen
Stolz und Voreingenommenheit als Gutenachtgeschichte. Es dauert nicht so lange, wie Sie denken - 20 Nächte in zwei oder drei Kapiteln pro Nacht. Er mochte es wirklich, auch wenn die Beziehung nicht von Dauer war. "
Nili Olay (72) und Jerry Vetowich (80), Mitglieder der Jane Austen Society of North America: Jerry - "Ich liebe das Anziehen, ich gebe zu - ich habe vier Kostüme, darunter einen Rotmantel und einen Admiral, und Nili hat mehrere Kleider. Sie sehen ziemlich authentisch aus. Natürlich ziehen wir uns nicht regelmäßig an Treffen, nur die Bälle, aber es ist großartig, Menschen in ihrer Pracht zu sehen. "
Mira Magdo, 31, Bloggerin, Cambridge: "Vor vier Jahren bin ich nach England gezogen, um Jane nahe zu sein - es klingt komisch, aber es ist wahr. Jedes Jahr gibt es ein großes Festival in Bath. Ein Jahr war ich dort und Adrian Lukis, der Wickham in der BBC-Version spielte. war auch da und ich hatte die Idee, jeden großen Darsteller zu treffen. " Bist du ein Austen-Superfan auf diesem Level? Wir müssen sagen, es war großartig, so viele dieser Fans zu sehen, die uns zum Fotoshooting in Bath besuchten! Der vollständige Artikel kann gelesen werden
Die Vor- und Nachteile von P & P Deviation
Es gab einiges an Besorgnis (aber auch Aufregung) über die Nachricht, dass eine neue TV-Adaption von
Stolz und Voreingenommenheit ist
auf den Karten für 2020 - eine neue Adaption, die laut dem Autor der Produktion "die dunklere Seite" von Austens Buch zeigen wird. Mit dieser Sorge um die Integrität des Buches frisch in den Köpfen der Austen-Fans,
Wahrlich Das Magazin hat diese Woche einen sehr willkommenen Artikel veröffentlicht, der uns daran erinnert, dass nicht alle Abweichungen schlecht sind. Zu den positiven Abweichungen von dem Buch gehörte Darcys regennasser Vorschlag aus dem Jahr 2005
P & P. Film, Mr. Darcys Badewannenszene in der Miniserie von 1995 und natürlich Mr. Darcys Wet-Shirt-Szene aus derselben Miniserie. Wir wurden jedoch auch an einige weniger willkommene Änderungen erinnert. Einige davon stammen aus der Filmversion von 1940
Stolz und Voreingenommenheit. Zum Beispiel: die wild ungenauen Kostüme, das Pferdewagenrennen zwischen den Bennets und den Lucases und die freundliche und verständnisvolle Lady Catherine! Wir lesen
der Artikelwurden an die Versionen erinnert, die wir vergessen hatten, und erinnerten sich daran, dass am Ende alles in Ordnung sein würde, denn schließlich, wenn die neue Produktion von
Stolz und Voreingenommenheit ist weniger als günstig, wir werden immer die herausragenden Leistungen von Colin Firth und Jennifer Ehle haben, auf die wir zurückgreifen können!
Treffen Sie die Wechseljahre von Jane Austen?
Wir sind diese Woche auf einen Artikel der Journalistin Frances Wilson gestoßen, der uns etwas überrascht hat. Ihr Artikel konzentrierte sich auf den Mangel an Literatur, die sich mit den Frauen in den Wechseljahren befasst - Frauen, die "mitten in ihren eigenen rücksichtslosen Jahren gefangen sind, verbrennen, austrocknen, todesbesessen sind und sich fragen, ob sie jemals wieder begehren oder begehrt werden". . Wilson argumentiert, dass es im Alltag viele Romane und Diskussionen über die Midlife-Crises von Männern gibt, aber das weibliche Äquivalent im letzten Tabu. Es ist jedoch nicht alles verloren. Jane Austen ist eine Autorin, die, wie Wilson sagte, über Frauen in den Wechseljahren schreibt.
Schauen Sie sich Frau Bennet in Stolz und Vorurteil an, Lady Bertram im Mansfield Park, die aus ungeklärten Gründen auf dem Sofa ohnmächtig wurde. Jane Austen, die im Alter von 42 Jahren starb, war möglicherweise ohnmächtig geworden durch die Wechseljahre selbst - es kommt oft früher zu kinderlosen Frauen - und Mansfield Park, dunkler, wütender und weniger verzeihend als ihre anderen Werke, liest sich wie dieses fiktive Einhorn, ein Wechseljahresroman.
Das hat uns bei den Jane Austen News zum Nachdenken gebracht - war
Mansfield Park wirklich ein Wechseljahrsroman, wie dieser Artikel ausmacht? Nach einiger Überlegung waren wir nicht überzeugt, aber wir mögen es
Wilsons Argument dass es schön wäre, mehr weibliche Charaktere in den Wechseljahren zu sehen, die den Tag nutzen, und dass es derzeit einen gewissen Mangel gibt.
Erfolg für Studenten, die Englisch aus Austen gelernt haben
Horem Gul, ein Teenager, der vor einem Jahr aus Pakistan nach Nottingham gekommen war, lernte ihr Englisch auf die vielleicht unterhaltsamste Art und Weise, die wir je gesehen haben. Sie, ihre Mutter und ihre jüngere Schwester kamen nach England, um sich ihrem Vater anzuschließen, der seit zehn Jahren in Großbritannien arbeitet. Die Familie kam mit sehr wenig Englisch. Glücklicherweise haben Jane Austen (und Colin Firth) gerne geholfen ... "Wir sind alle vor ungefähr einem Jahr zusammengekommen. Wir haben viele Filme gesehen, die uns bei der Anpassung geholfen haben, und ich habe mein Englisch aus den Filmen wie bekommen
Stolz und Voreingenommenheit! "Horem hat seitdem trotz der Neuheit der Sprache fantastische Prüfungsergebnisse erzielt. Sie hat zwei A- und drei B-Klasse-A-Stufen erreicht! Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie Austen Frauen dazu inspiriert, auch all die Jahre nach ihrem Tod großartige Dinge in ihrem Leben zu erreichen .
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[…] Jane Austen News – Issue 82 – Jane Austen Centre […]
Austentatious Links: September 3, 2017 | Excessively Diverting
I wrote Mrs. Bennet’s Sentiments with copyright in 2010. I had submitted a rough draft to Deb W in 2009 at Source Books. She got back to me in 24 hrs! She wanted to pitch it. A week later she couldn’t get the full editorial board to give it the green light as they do more romantic spin-offs… Darcy etc… and this is “Hen Lit” But she strongly encouraged me to continue. Then I attended a writer’s conference and met with many editors agents etc..2011. I saw that Ms. King’s book I think came out in 2013..but I didn’t read it. Was thinking oh Dang I tipped my hand… After many rounds with agents etc. . I formally published it in time for Mother’s Day 2016. I read Gilbert’s Big Magic and realize those inspiration sprites are everywhere.Maybe great minds think a like. I saw Mrs. Bennet Has Her Say but it was very dissimilar, focused on her as a young woman I think. Only read a few pages in. Will check out King’s book. Right now in pre- production for a big show about Matisse( I run a theatre)
A member of the Jane Austen Society Kent Branch, a few years back, wrote a P&P variation called Mrs Bennet’s Menopause, so Lucy Kate King was on to this years ago! It’s available on kindle if you’re interested :)
For a feisty take on Mrs Bennet. see Mrs. Bennet’s Sentiments. Was the top fiction pick by People Magazine this past November . JANE AUSTEN’S MOTHER TELLS ALL
Jane Austen’s Mrs. Bennet, mother of five difficult teenage daughters is silent no more. Those who grew up enjoying Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice will delight in Mrs. Bennet’s Sentiments. Tired of having her ungrateful girls roll their eyes at her and watching her husband retreat to his man cave, Mrs. Bennet finally tells her side of the story.“ Mrs. Bennet surprises them all. She defies the conventions of the day…
I loved this recent article by Dunphy… She really gets it.proving the old adage ‘Mother knows best.’ ”
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July 18, 2017 By Rachel Dunphy
Of all the delightful idiots filling the pages of our well-worn copies of Pride and Prejudice(hint: this is everyone except maybe Charlotte), one of the best is also one of the most overlooked—even by Jane Austen, who never grants her a first name. Mrs. Bennet, mother to the five Bennet sisters and incorrigible social gadfly, is largely dismissed by both the book’s readers and its facetious narrator, but she is perhaps the most radical character in the novel.
She tends to be read at face value—flighty, talkative, too often drunk, and too obsessed with marrying off each of her daughters. The clever jokes her husband makes at her expense go right over her head, much to his amusement and her elder daughters’ disappointment. But the willful disregard Mrs. Bennet shows to the sensibility and decorum most of her compatriots value so highly is not her weakness but in fact her greatest strength.
The woman has one abiding goal through the novel: to see all her daughters married and thus financially secure. An entail demands that none of her five children, all girls, may inherit their father’s estate, and thus they will have no permanent home or source of income unless they find it in wealthy men. Through the homogenizing fog of history, her obsession sometimes feels ridiculous—but when the options are marriage or destitution, and when you live in the countryside where well-bred men are scarce, and when at least two of your daughters are already past prime marriageable age, panic is understandable. Love is lovely, but Mrs. Bennet’s mission is about survival.
Unlike the rest of the family, prattling about feelings and manners and values and wit (yes, I mean you, Lizzie), she takes the plight of her children seriously, and she works tirelessly to ensure their futures. She schemes endless scenarios to endear her daughters to men of means, at one point orchestrating Jane’s prolonged illness (and thus residence) at Mr. Bingley’s Netherfield estate, at another attempting to force Elizabeth into an unhappy marriage with her cousin Mr. Collins, and at every chance throwing Lydia and Kitty toward an endless parade of military officers. Not all of her efforts are successful, to be sure, but marriage is a numbers game, and the Bennet matriarch is the sole, the necessary pragmatist in a house filled with idle dreamers.
“Love is lovely, but Mrs. Bennet’s mission is about survival.”
Remarkably, even as she shoulders the burden of her family’s future alone, Mrs. Bennet rails against the confines of the misogynistic society she inhabits. When she exclaims angrily, repeatedly, unceasingly about her daughters’ inability to inherit property—“the hardest thing in the world,” she calls it—our heroines, Jane and Lizzie, exhaustedly explain the logic of the sexist concept yet again. “They had often attempted to do it before, but it was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason, and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favor of a man whom nobody cared anything about.” How silly was this mother of theirs, who couldn’t understand the simple, obvious absurdity of a woman inheriting a house.
Jane and Lizzie are far from oblivious to their perilous situation. They know they must marry before they are forcibly removed from their ancestral home by the combined powers of tradition and the aforementioned aggressively dull male cousin. They know that, in their early twenties, their eligible years are coming to a close. But they neither rebel against the injustice nor actively seek to nullify it. Neither is bitter about the entail; it is an unavoidable consequence of fate. And neither takes an active role in husband hunting, instead preferring to stumble lazily—and in Lizzie’s case quite resistantly—into blissful marriages with wealthy best friends (Congrats! Glad it all worked out). When Elizabeth’s longtime friend Charlotte marries the rejected Mr. Collins, Lizzie is embittered to see the slightly older woman compromise her standards for security—but the matter of Charlotte’s inheriting her home and all its worth is a non-issue. Her mother sees it differently and bitterly condemns Collins and Charlotte at every opportunity, even years after their marriage. There is nothing she can do to change the legal status of herself or her daughters, but still she refuses to accept it, and she will not be quiet about the injustice of it even while those who it affects most consider the matter settled and have found superior situations. Mrs. Bennet is revolutionary in her simple and abiding refusal to shut up, even as those for whom she chiefly advocates desperately wish for her do so.
While working within a system she openly acknowledges to be against her, Mrs. Bennet acts freely and without restraint. She speaks her mind regardless of whether it is time for her to speak, and she voices her opinion regardless of whether it is the popular one—“What is Mr. Darcy to me, pray, that I should be afraid of him?” she asks in response to another of Lizzie’s scoldings, “I am sure we owe him no such particular civility as to be obliged to say nothing he may not like to hear.” It’s a trait she passes on to her favorite and youngest daughter, Lydia, and the two make a regular habit of interrupting and interjecting in conversations with their social betters. Mrs. Bennet isn’t afraid of mistakes, frequently acting with what is judged as too much liberty but never once embarrassed or apologetic for it. And that is remarkable given how highly reputation is valued in her world and how little it takes to destroy one.
Let us not forget that the dramatic height of the novel revolves around the horrific realization that Lydia, the youngest and silliest Bennett sister, may have pre-marital sex—and that if she does, the entire family will be destitute. Of course it is not Austen as much as the period in which she wrote that is the problem here. Fifteen years old, Lydia is only saved from assured ruin through the help of a rich male benefactor, Mr. Darcy. He acts not from any sense of morality or charity—he at first finds a possible association with Lydia so despicable as to prevent him proposing to her sister—but out of love for another, better-behaved woman and the need to protect his own reputation by association.
After her marriage, Lydia is all but ostracized by her father and her sisters simply because she has the audacity not to be ashamed. Mr. Bennet, who sent the notoriously flirtatious Lydia to spend poorly supervised months with a bunch of soldiers in the first place, is content to publicly cut ties with his daughter and her husband solely out of spite. Her actions seem to be equally condemned by Austen—she and Mr. Wickham are acknowledged as a point of fact to be unhappy and unstable long term. Though Lizzie and Jane advocate for Lydia, arguing the disavowal would only hurt the family more, it is largely for the sake of their mother, who persists in loving Lydia, who (silly woman) is proud of her daughter, that she is allowed to return home at all.
“Lizzie is an excellent woman of her era, but she lives within the boundaries of her place in society and doesn’t expect more for herself or from others.”Lydia is oblivious and vain, obviously, but the small, selfish idiocies of teenagers are deserving of light mockery and forgiveness, not permanent condemnation. The youngest Bennet daughter’s girlish ridiculousness is timeless, but her mother’s decision not to ostracize her for her sexual misconduct—or even to acknowledge it as such—is quintessentially modern. It is a path few other Austen parents take.
That refusal to blame is not just kind but revolutionary. While the rest of her relations are prepared to mercifully tolerate Lydia’s marriage, her mother won’t do anything short of delight in it. As the first rule of polite society is never to insult someone to their face, the family has little choice but to publicly endorse her felicity. Despite Elizabeth’s private disgust that even after nearly destroying her future “Lydia was Lydia still; untamed, unabashed, wild, noisy and fearless,” she refrains from demeaning their behavior. She goes so far as to make peace with Wickham, who she worthily hates, solely to avoid any hint of a straightforward confrontation within the family. Because Lizzie at her core is absolutely traditional, as are her values and her limitations. She speaks in subtleties designed to amuse her allies and confuse her targets, not to openly challenge. She is embarrassed by the shabbiness and flightiness of her relations and fears her association with them diminishes her worth. “Had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening,” she thinks to herself during the Netherfield ball, “it would have been impossible for them to play their parts with more spirit or finer success.”
Lizzie is an excellent woman of her era, but she lives within the boundaries of her place in society and doesn’t expect more for herself or from others. She succeeds in forging her path to happiness and prosperity, but it is a personal victory only, one that reinforces the oppressive system that she accepts without question.
The victories of her mother and sister are of a much more significant character. Though both behave in a way that is unacceptable according to the standards of their society, by simply refusing to care or notice these transgressions, they force those who do to go to extraordinary lengths to accommodate them. As much out of self-preservation as out of love, Lydia’s older sisters and their husbands spend the rest of their lives supporting her both financially and socially, frequently sending her money and hosting her in their mansions. Lydia has little regard for her own respectability, but as her status reflects on theirs, Jane and Lizzie must provide her with some of their own, and so Lydia continues to do exactly as she wants without ever sacrificing the comforts or pleasures she might have otherwise found.This youngest daughter is thus Mrs. Bennet’s true heir, doing always what she wants over what she should, and using shame as a tool rather than allowing it to control or diminish herself. It is a bold, a risky path that can only be trod by those with the bravery and confidence to believe themselves worthy without validation, to demand what they want from life rather than accepting every injustice as fate. These are values Lydia learned from her mother, values she will teach to her daughters, and it is their legacy, their radical impropriety, that shapes the future.
@ladylou – Hear, hear! I had a partial hysterectomy at age 46 after years of once-a-month debilitating pain and the other various unpleasantness that accompanied it. I felt reborn afterward, certainly not as if I had a “permanently closer companionship with death.”
I wonder if I’m the only one who considers the appended statement absolute nonsense? I don’t read much in the way of “women’s literature” and I’m glad I don’t. Nobody ever told me that I was drying up, or wearing an invisibility cloak as Wilson says in her article; no one ever told me that I’d automatically get old, cross a Rubicon, or have “a deep sense of change within.” I never feel that “I have a permanently closer companionship with death”. Thanks to my ignorance, I’ve remained as vital and visible as ever, grateful for the near disappearance of migraine headaches and that awful black mood that descended on me once a month for days at a time.
“caught in the midst of their own reckless years, burning-up, drying-out, death-obsessed and wondering whether they will ever desire, or be desired again”.Anonymous
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