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Yes Pelisse! Regency Fashion Inspiration for your Winter Wardrobe
What inspiration can we take from Jane Austen's winter wardrobe in 2024?
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Just around the corner: Your Jane Austen Christmas Gift Guide 2024
Christmas is not as far away as it seems -- Jane Austen Blog Members can get access to this exclusive early gift guide.
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What is the Gothic? A Spooky Explainer
With the nights getting longer and darker, the world gets a little spookier! Complement the encroaching darkness with a Gothic read.
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Which Jane Austen novel is your perfect summer read?
Which Jane Austen novel is your perfect summer read?
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The Language of the Fan - Staying Cool: Regency Style
It's hot hot hot outside, but careful how you fan yourself, you might send the wrong message.
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How to find a husband - Bridgerton style!
So you're looking for a partner - can Bridgerton help you find them?
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Taking a turn : Exercise in Jane Austen's England
We're all getting into running - but what would Jane Austen have made of your running shoes and lycra?
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Flowers for Spring, Jane Austen Style
To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment. Jane Austen, Mansfield Park With Easter weekend on the horizon and many other religious holidays falli...
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How to have a Regency Spring Clean
Cleaning might have changed a lot since the early 1800s, but there are definitely things we can learn from Regency Housekeepers.
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Cómo configurar su propio club de lectura en 2024
¿Buscas establecer un club de lectura en el año nuevo? Te tenemos cubierto
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La guía de regencia para abrazar el frío invernal
Lunes. ¡Aquí hay un día! - ¡El suelo cubierto de nieve! ¿Qué será de nosotros? - íbamos a haber salido temprano a las tiendas cercanas, y teníamos el carruaje para los más distantes. - El Sr. Ric...
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¿Está Austen encontrando nuevos fanáticos en ... Tiktok?
Al momento de escribir, el hashtag Austentok tiene más de 44.6 millones de visitas.
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