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Members also receive:
- 10% off item in the Jane Austen Centre the Gift Shop, Bath
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- 10% discount in the Regency Tea Room, Bath
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Which Jane Austen novel is your perfect summer read?
Which Jane Austen novel is your perfect summer read?

The Language of the Fan - Staying Cool: Regency Style
It's hot hot hot outside, but careful how you fan yourself, you might send the wrong message.

How to find a husband - Bridgerton style!
So you're looking for a partner - can Bridgerton help you find them?

Taking a turn : Exercise in Jane Austen's England
We're all getting into running - but what would Jane Austen have made of your running shoes and lycra?
Member Quizes & Puzzles
Latest Quizzes & Puzzles

Bits and Pieces
Think you know Jane Austen? Put your knowledge to the test in our latest quiz...

A Little Light Music
The Jane Austen Quiz - A Little Light Music
We would love to meet you in Bath

The Regency Tea Room
10% discount. To book please email tearoom@janeausten.co.uk and supply the email address which is linked to your membership.

The Jane Austen Centre Gift Shop
10% discount. Show your membership number to staff.